The Right Decision

The Right Decision

Where are you going? If you know, then what is keeping you from getting there and are you headed in the right direction? We all have limitations in life, some we can control and others we are required to accept and do the best we can. If excess weight and the many health problems it can bring are baggage on your journey through life that you wish could be left behind, now is the time to make a change for the better.

A vehicle can allow you to get where you may not be able go on your own. Most people will choose a safe effective option. LAP-BAND weight loss surgery is the safest weight loss surgery available. It is reversible, adjustable, and an outpatient procedure that can change your life. It can help you get to where you want to be or allow you opportunities that may not otherwise be available without it.

Recently, the FDA lowered the indication of using the Allergan LAP-BAND for those with a BMI of 30 (30-50 lbs over normal weight) and above who have conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea etc. These conditions have a significant chance of improving or resolving with weight loss and the LAP-BAND can help.

If you have ever wondered whether weight loss surgery was for you, We can help. Get to where you want to go with a LAP-BAND.

Call Dr. Hansen today at 801-787-4379 for a consultation.

Are You Where You Want to Be This Year?

Each new year we should ask ourselves “Am I where I want to be in my life?” If there are areas we need to improve then the beginning of each calendar year is good time to renew. If weight is a significant issue especially if there are weight related medical conditions that affect you such as diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, heartburn symptoms, painful joint or any of the many others and other weight lose attempts have not be successful at keep the weight off.

If you have ever wondered if it is right for you, there are free seminars and webinars to find out more information.