Diabetes in Remission

Diabetes in Remission

It’s the weight. The population is getting larger according to recent surveys. There is clearly a strong link with being overweight and several health problems such as hypertension, sleep apnea and diabetes. We have known for several years that losing weight can cause diabetes to go into remission. It is hard to lose weight for most people and the more pounds the harder it is. For those who have tried but have been unable to lose or keep the weight off there is additional help. Weight loss surgery is a significant step but of all that are available LAP-BAND has been gaining popularity because it is the safest surgical option available.

In 2008 an Australian study showed, “after two years, diabetes went into remission in 22 of 30 surgery patients with a BMI between 30-40 and just four of 30 diet-and-exercise patients. Those who had surgery lost an average of 20.7 percent of their body weight, while the dieting group lost only 1.7 percent of their body weight. “You can see the stunning differences between the two groups,” said study author John Dixon, an obesity researcher at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia reported in U.S. News.

In February of this year, the Federal Drug Administration who oversees implantable devices in the U.S., lowered the indication for using the LAP-BAND to individuals 30-50 lbs. in the excess (BMI over 30) who have weight-related health issues such as diabetes.

“I have seen diabetic remission here in our own LAP-BAND patients. Time is not on your side for this possibility.” The longer a patient has diabetes the more difficult it is to resolve and it does require a substantial amount of weight loss.

Consider weight loss as a high priority for a longer, happier healthy life.